Time out, time out, time out. Come on, come on, come on. Ok, guys, fourth down, less than 10 seconds left. This is our last play, one play or another. We don't score now, we lose. How do want to play it, coach? We've going to throw to Savannah. Me? Marti's our best receiver. Yeah, and Jake's figured that out. And if I were him, I'd be triple-teaming her. Trust me. You'll be wide open. 密码:lala 暂停,暂停,暂停。快过来,快过来,快过来。好了,姑娘们,第四节不到10秒就要结束了。这是我们获胜的最后机会,一定要成功,如果这一攻得不到分,我们就输了。 你准备怎么安排,教练? 你把球传给Savannah。 我?可是Marti 是我们最好的接球手啊。 没错,但是Jake已经发现了这一点。如果我是他,我肯定会派3个人盯防着她。相信我,你那边肯定有空档