Okay, I'm gonna need some more bread for the stuffing. Whee! Mike! Mike! Mike! Do you want to wait in the car? Do you want to wait in the car? Because that I will put you in the car. Sorry. Okay, now for the turkey. Let's see, there's, uh, six of us and some magazine says you should buy half a pound of turkey per person. Really? That's only three pounds of bird. You might as well just yank a pigeon out of a car grill. You know what, let's get the 20-pounder. Better safe than sorry. We are not gonna eat that much turkey. You sure? What if there's some, you know, last-minute drop-ins? Like who? Well, anybody, really. I mean, Carl might drop by, and he might bring his grandma. And who knows, Samuel might pop over to say hi and introduce us to his five Senegalese roommates.