A solo sailing race around the world? I've got eight mouths to get into the best shape of my life. But I'll tell you what, Miss, I'm gonna win. And what do you get if you do? What really matters is who I win it from? Charles Widmore. He tried to buy me off. And when I didn't take his money he took away the only thing in the world I ever truly care about. Who is she? His daughter. I was unsuitable on several levels. And what's the 42 grand for? It's a wee bit complicated. As of yet, I don't actually have a boat. Sorry, did I say something wrong? I have a boat. It was my husband's, but he got sick and he want to sail it to the Mediterranean, but he never... He passed away about a month ago. I'm sorry. I want you to have it. I...I can't take your boat, Miss. But you'd have to. He'd want you to.