Mikey does love his pie. Mikey You do any baking? No, I don't cook much. I work a lot and between school and the shingles I... When Mikey was a little boy I worked full-time in the school cafeteria. And still managed to put a hot meal on the table. School cafeteria, huh? I'll bet that's why you're such a good cook. Well, you pick up a few culinary tricks when you're stirring goulash with a boat oar. By the way, I bought you a present. Really? Oh, that's really very sweet. I know. Ah... It's a... hat, right? I didn't know your head size but the fellow that worked there was about your build and it fit him, so... I don't know what to say. Try it on. Yeah, that's what I thought it would look like. Whoa. Dit you lose a bet? No, Mike. Your mother bought me this beautiful hat as a gift.