[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:00.17]Can you imagine what 680,000 tonnes of food looks like? 你能想象68万吨的食物是什么样子吗? [00:06.66]That's the amount wasted in Britain each year,而英国每年浪费的食物就是这么多, [00:10.33]and at the top of the list of wasted foods is... bread. 其中面包浪费的最多。 [00:14.49]One of the staples in the British diet, bread is toasted for breakfast, 面包是英国饮食中的主食,英国人早餐吃烤面包, [00:19.74]used for sandwiches for lunch and dipped in soups at dinner. 中午吃面包做的三明治,晚餐吃面包蘸汤。 [00:23.95]Almost everyone in Britain buys bread – from people in the upper crust of society to regular breadwinners who don't have much dough. 从上等阶层的人们到那些没钱却又不得不养家糊口的人,几乎每一位英国人都要买面包。 [00:33.48]Bread is so important to Brits that we use the slang word 'bread' to mean 'money' and the word 'loaf' to mean 'head'. 面包对于英国人来说非常重要。我们用俚语中的“bread”(面包)来指代“金钱”,用“loaf”(面包)来指代“头”。 [00:42.51]So let's use our loaves to understand why so much bread is wasted! 那我们就用我们的大脑来想一想为什么我们会浪费这么多面包! [00:48.32]Even though bread is still selling like hot cakes, the packets are opened but not finished. 尽管面包依旧很畅销,但是人们打开面包后,还没有吃完就不吃了。 [00:55.26]We often say that half a loaf is still better than none, but it seems people are simply buying much more than they need. 我们经常说“半块面包总比没有好”,但是现在人们所购买的面包似乎要远远超过他们所需要的。 [01:03.63]Baker Chris Young suggests that the British aren't using every last crumb because bread is no longer respected: 面包师克里斯·扬表示英国人不再充分利用每一片面包屑,因为人们不再那么尊重面包了: [01:11.59]"None of the bread that is thrown away is 'real' bread, homemade or artisan bread." “人们所丢弃的面包并不是“真实的”面包,也不是自己手工制作的面包。” [01:18.07]Eco-campaigner Mark Boyle agrees. "If you make something yourself (…) you don't waste that bread because you know how much energy you've put into it." 环保活动人士马克·波义耳赞同克里斯·扬面的观点。“如果面包是你自己亲手做的,那么你就不会浪费了,因为你很清楚你为此花费了多大的力气。 [01:27.27]But although home baking is a nice idea, for many it's biting off more than they can chew. 虽然在家里自制面包这个主意很好,这样人们就不会制作太多而产生浪费了, [01:33.56]People work such long hours to put bread on the table and simply don't have the time. 但是制作面包需要花费很长时间,而人们根本没有那么多时间来制作面包。” [01:39.11]Perhaps we British should just invest a little more of our hard-earned bread in buying better loaves. 或许我们英国人应该用我们辛苦挣来的钱来购买更好的面包。 [01:46.89]These would make our diet healthier and our bins lighter: healthy, artisan loaves might just be the best thing since sliced bread. 这些面包能让我们的饮食更加健康,也能让我们的面包箱更轻:健康的手工面包或许是我们的最佳选择。