[00:01.467]You really should finish compiling that boring spreadsheet, [00:04.482]but you just can't bring yourself to do it. [00:07.534]Maybe it can wait a little longer. [00:10.131]Or it might just disappear if you ignore it long enough. [00:14.245]You know the feeling. [00:15.443]According to Professor Piers Steel, [00:18.150]of the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary,Piers Steel [00:21.830]95% of people postpone important tasks at some point.95% [00:26.843]But for some, procrastination isn't occasional, [00:30.393]but incessant and disruptive. [00:33.352]Professor Joseph Ferrari, of DePaul University Chicago, [00:36.734]found that 20% of the population of the world are chronic procrastinators. [00:42.724]Sadly, delaying our duties isn't very good for us: [00:46.481]task-avoiders are less happy, less healthy and less wealthy [00:50.832]than people who tackle tasks immediately. [00:54.778]We like to tell ourselves that we work better under pressure, [00:58.013]when a deadline is looming. [01:00.098]But the truth is that working at the last minute is counterproductive: [01:04.329]we make more mistakes, our behaviour annoys other people [01:07.842]and we end up feeling guilty and ashamed. [01:11.410]Worse still, we risk wasting a significant portion of our life [01:15.180]putting off tasks that will only come back to haunt us later. [01:19.169]As the poet Edward Young wrote: [01:21.375]"Procrastination is the thief of time".“ [01:24.806]Piers Steel gives us some advice to help us confront important tasks. Piers Steel [01:29.083]He suggests breaking it into smaller chunks [01:32.517]and taking baby steps until the task at hand has been completed. [01:37.634]Or you could give a friend £50 [01:40.041]and tell them that if you don't go through with it, [01:42.836]they can give it away to a cause or a political party you dislike. [01:48.172]Those who are highly-organised and efficient [01:50.137]won't need to take heed of this advice. [01:53.266]For everyone else: [01:54.585]will you start following these tips [01:57.303]and confront those urgent tasks that await you today? [01:59.670]Or will you stop procrastinating tomorrow... or perhaps the day after?