So was that the big aim, to discover a new species? Oh, yes, certainly. Well, it was one of the many aims, but particularly in the early 20th century, discovering a new species was a way to make your name on the scientific map, if you like. If you discover a new species and describe a new species, more importantly, your name forever becomes attached to that species name, as it's like you've immortalised yourself in the scientific community. And for Dorothea as well that would be a really fantastic way, legitimising her role as a professional scientist, rather than just an amateur who was allowed to come and play with the collections. She discovered something a little bit like this here. Right. Now this, as you might be able to see, 'cos it looks a little bit like a human jaw, is the jaw of an elephant, an extinct species of elephant, and as you can see it's huge. It's massive. It's absolutely massive. So the things she discovered are like this, are they? Yes, sort of, they're like this with a very, very subtle twist. Right. They're smaller, because these what she discovered on Cyprus was something quite amazing, she discovered these dwarf elephants. What you'll see in here are some of the teeth of a dwarf elephant that Dorothea Bate found in the north of Cyprus. 她的主要目标是发现新物种, 没错,正是这样。此行目标不止于此,但在20世纪前叶,想要留名科学史,发现新物种是最好的途径之一。如果你发现了新物种,更重要的是,定义了该物种。你的名字将从此与该物种联系在一起,这样你在科学界就名垂千古了。对桃乐西亚来说,她还可以凭此机遇,晋升为职业科学家,而不仅仅是一名,能够接触藏品的业余爱好者。她发现了一块与这个类似的化石,如你所见,它有点像人类的下颚,这是一种象的下颚,如今已经灭绝,这种象体型巨大。 这个很大 绝对大 所以她找到的和这个差不多吗? 可以这么说,相似却有微妙的反差,它们要小一点,因为她在塞浦路斯发现的东西令人称奇。她找到了这种矮脚象,就在这里,这些牙齿是属于桃乐西亚·贝兹在塞浦路斯北部找到的矮脚象品种。