For a man who spends most of his time in the museum, Alex is happiest in the jungle. It's quite spiritual. You have all these really tall columns in the forest and kind of interesting vistas. I just find a really stimulating and peaceful kind of uplifting experience. It's not just rare plants that the team are interested in documenting. Lorenzo has just found this amazing frog, called a glass frog. And they're called glass frogs because you can basically see their internal organs through the skin. It's so transparent, and he found it whilst collecting plants. And this is really rare, we won't find more than one of these per trip. While the lower areas have been visited previously, the team are keen to get above 1,000 feet to the part of the forest that is completely unexplored and uncharted. 亚历克斯大半辈子都在博物馆度过,进入丛林,他最为快乐,是真正的精神上的触动。这里有参天巨树,迷人的风光,这真是一段鼓舞人心,又让人宁静沉溺的探险。科考队团队要记录下的不仅仅是稀有的植物,洛伦佐刚刚发现了这只神奇的蛙称作玻璃蛙。他们之所以称作玻璃蛙是因为你可以透过皮肤看到体内的脏器,如此的透明是在收集植物时发现的。这种非常稀有,这次能发现一只实属不易,海拔较低的区域之前已经考察。科考队向海拔一千英尺以上区域进发,该区域从未有人探索记录。