This is the first loquat plant in the UK known to escape cultivation and to be found growing wild. Take a snip off. Yes, I'm terribly cruel sometimes. So if you just take hold of that for me. Sure, yeah, no worries. So bundle the leaves together into a cylinder. Now take the top half and fold it over on itself, like folding an envelope over. Really, it doesn't matter if I bend the leaves? No, all we're doing is kind of just temporarily getting it in the press, a bit like that there, now. Mark needs to monitor the spread of these exotic species to see how they'll affect our native plants. But at the moment I wouldn't say that this is a threat to our wildlife. It's just a fascinating indicator that our environment is changing, and changing very very rapidly. 这是英国发现的第一棵野生枇杷树,它脱离了人工栽培,在野外自然生长。 剪一枝下来吧。 我有时候很残忍。 帮我拿一下。 好,没问题。把叶子卷成筒状,再将上半部分折叠,就像叠信封一样。 真的吗?我这样折叶子没事吗? 没事,我们只是暂时把它夹起来,就像那边那个一样。马克要监控外来物种的扩张,研究它们如何影响本土植物。它们尚未对本土野生植物构成威胁,这只是一个引人深思的信号,指示着我们环境正在发生变化,且变化趋势极其迅猛。