The Tree of Heaven has the potential to seriously damage the biodiversity of Britain, and we only have to look at Japanese knotweed to see the consequences. Brought over in the 1700s, Japanese knotweed is the UK's best-known invasive plant, it wreaks havoc with our wildlife, and our infrastructure. It seems that the Tree of Heaven is set to do the same. Like Japanese knotweed, it's spreading out from London as its seeds are blown along our railway lines. So what does this mean for the future of the landscape of Great Britain? Very, very significant changes, I expect. These non-native organisms moving into our landscape mean massive change. We're going to see a landscape that's going to have fewer species in it, many of them will be incredibly successful but it will be at the cost of many many other things. And that loss of diversity will have a real impact on us and our well-being, because species-richness is massively important for all of us and for our agriculture. 天堂树可能会严重损害英国的生态多样性,只要看看日本紫菀的故事,后果不难想见。日本紫菀引入于十八世纪,成为英国最著名的入侵植物。它的到来,对野生生物和建筑都是一场劫难。天堂树可能将重现这段历史,就像日本紫菀一样。 天堂树的种子沿铁路传播,如今已经遍布伦敦并向郊外扩散,这对不列颠未来的风貌会有何影响? 我认为会相当惊人,这些外来植物侵入野生环境,意味着一场巨变。生态环境中的物种数量会变少,其中一些物种异常成功,而许多物种因此惨遭灭绝。生物多样性的破坏,将对人类自身造成严重冲击,因为物种丰富度对我们人类和农业都极为重要。