I'm joining a big experiment, the latest trend in field work. So we'll be looking in the hedges, the meadows, on the beach there and right out at sea. In fact, we'll be counting every living thing that makes its home here in Wembury. Spiders and snails and slugs and things. Varieties of crabs, lots of seaweed. Our nematode worms. You name it. Five, four, three, two, one. Oh, that's good. The Wembury BioBlitz is officially launched. Off we go. Disperse. Yes, I did say BioBlitz. It's an intensive 24-hour inventory of all the species in one place, like a health check for biodiversity in this unique nature reserve, but it can't be done without an army of volunteers and the help of local experts. So I'm off to meet marine biologist Richard Ticehurst from Plymouth University, to help check out the shallow waters if I can stay on my feet. 我要参加一个大型实验,它是这领域的流行趋势。我们要观测那里的篱笆,草地以及海滩,并出海观测。实际上,我们要计算所有在文伯里栖息的生物,包括蜘蛛,蛇类,蛞蝓等等,各种蟹类,多种海藻。 我们的线虫类蠕虫,应有尽有。 五,四,三,二,一。 像样,文伯里生物探险活动正式开始。 我们出发,分头行动。 是的,我说的是生物探险活动。24小时不间断地对某处的各类物种进行记录,就好像对这片特定区域,进行一次生物多样性的体检。但是这样的体检依赖于大量的志愿者,和当地专家的帮助。 我要去见普利茅斯大学的海洋生物学家理查德·泰斯赫斯特,请他帮忙检测浅水区的生物,如果我还站得起来的话。