Kate, this is a turbot, a shrimp. Oh, really? A very small turbot. I was going to say, I think of them as a bit bigger. This one is the other size of a postage stamp, but they do get to 20 kilos. Now, you can see, if I. Yeah. Wow. You can see how well camouflaged that fish is. It's just disappeared. There we go, we've got a bass. Ooh. Ooh. We've got a bass. There we go. Quick. We've got it on film. You are beautiful. That's what they look like when they're alive. I wasn't expecting to get anything bigger than my ruler. The last time anyone looked this closely at these shores was back in 1957. It's this historical survey that makes our BioBlitz so valuable. The idea is to compare what we find today to that record 50 years ago. It could reveal if there are any new species invading these habitats, and which rare species are still present. Volunteers from the Devon Wildlife Trust are primed, ready to spot any passing basking sharks or whales. We haven't been very successful just yet. 凯特,有条比目鱼,还有一只虾。 -真的吗? -非常小的比目鱼 我以为比目鱼应该更大一些啊。 这条只有邮票大小,但是比目鱼能长到20公斤。 你看 我这样做... 很好 你瞧这种鱼多么善于伪装,它就那么消失了。这里,我们找到一条鲈鱼。 我们找到条鲈鱼 那边,快点。 我们拍下它了 你真漂亮 活鲈鱼就是这样子的。 我真想找到个大块头的家伙啊 鱼类,2种 这片海滩上一次全面勘察,还是在1957年。正是因为有了上一次的历史记录,我们的这次生物探险才更具意义。我们的目的是将现今的发现同五十年前的记录进,对比,从而发现有无新物种入侵这片栖息地,以及哪些稀有物种依然存在。德文野生动物信托的志愿者是最尽职的,时刻准备记录任何游过的姥鲨或鲸鱼,目前为止我们一无所获。