Well, the sun's gone in and we have had a bit of drizzle but we've only got a two-hour window to look at the rock pools here right at the very edge of the shore, because very quickly, the tide is gonna come in and cover this again, so the volunteers are hard at work. Is that...? Ooh! Ooh! Ooh, my word, what's that? It had huge, great big pincers. I don't know that I want to meet that one again. Look, here it is. Here it is. Here it is. I got it. What is that? A squat lobster. It's a lobster? It is a lobster. It's a true lobster. Found a bigger version of the one I've just found. Okay, but I got there first. Back at Blitz HQ, verifying each species is going on around the clock. Yeah, a big lobster. John? Hi. Hi. We're six hours in. Yeah. How much have we found? We've got about 600 species so far. 600. Yeah, it's pretty good going. And we've a lot of records still coming in, and then you can see all the activity around us. Yeah, so we're entering but also ID-ing stuff. Yes, a lot of identification is going on, checking off notes to make sure it's a good ID. That's sort of thing. But it'll still be going on then. We'll keep ID-ing through the night and the morning as well. Okay, so on with the work. Yeah, definitely, that's lots more did. 太阳渐渐西沉,还下了点小雨,而我们只有两个小时。观察这个海岸边沿的礁池,因为潮水很快便会涨上来,再次淹没这里。所以志愿者们都抓紧时间工作。 那是,我的天,那是什么? 它有对硕大无比的钳子,简直不知道到底要不要再去看它。 看,在这里,在这里。 抓到了 这是什么? 那是只东方扁虾 居然是龙虾 它是种龙虾,的的确确是龙虾。 是我刚才找到的那只的放大版? 甲壳类 1种 好吧,但是是我先发现的。 回到生物探险活动的总部,检验物种的工作,还日以继夜地进行着。 约翰,时间只剩下六小时,我们找到多少了? 我们已经找到大约六百种。 -六百种那么多 -是的,进展非常不错,还有新的记录送进来。你可以看到进展的状况,我们在记录的同时还要归档。 是的,很多人都在忙于鉴别,检验标签以确定编号正确无误,归档工作会继续进行,不分昼夜。 好 你忙吧 好的,还有好多事要做。