Not wanting to disturb the carcass for ongoing study, we're in search of a bone that's been especially marked for retrieval. Now what we're gonna try it out is hook it using our custom-designed hook device. This is the arm sticking out of the ROV? Yeah. Hook it. Gosh, that's easy. Oh, he almost got it. It's like one of those fairground things you have to put money in and try and grab a cuddly toy. He's got it, he's got it. Beauty. Gosh, he's very good, isn't he? That's fantastic. Having flown to Sweden, driven all the way from Stockholm and sailed out to the whale bones, this is the moment of truth. Oh, you can smell it from here. Seeing a species new to science is an exciting prospect, especially for a zoologist like me. It's a little less exciting, though, to discover that it's a mucus-covered worm. This is what gets you excited, these things here? It's entire. You just get this straight. This is what your life work is all about? This was the most exciting discovery for me in the last. I don't know, my entire scientific career. Maybe a closer look might help me see the merits of Adrian's worm. 为了不影响对尸骸的进一步研究,我们要寻找之前已做好记号,以便寻回的一块骨头。现在要做的是,利用专门设计的吊钩把它钩上来。 这就是水下机器人伸出的机械臂吗? 对 -钩住它 -天呐,真容易。 差点钩到了,就像在游乐场玩的游戏机。先投币,然后去夹毛绒玩具。 钩住了,钩住了,漂亮。 它真能干,对吧? 太棒了。 我们飞到瑞典,从斯德哥尔摩一路开车过来,再驾船出海搜寻鲸骨。现在到了关键时刻,从这儿就能闻到它的味道,能看到新物种让人兴奋不已。尤其对像我这样的动物学家来说,但发现它只是一种布满黏液的蠕虫时,激动的心情还是打了折扣。这就是令你激动万分的东西吗? 我说白一点。这就是你奋斗一生要研究的东西吗? 这是我的科研生涯中,最令我兴奋的发现,也许更近距离的观察,能让我看清艾德里安的蠕虫的模样5