Each year, Lyme Regis is transformed into a carnival of fossils. Central to this festival is local hero Mary Anning and how she helped transform fossil hunting from a hobby, collecting curiosities into a journey of scientific discovery. By the time she died at the age of 47, Mary Anning was both famous and celebrated as the greatest fossilist the world ever knew. Mary was born in 1799 but at the age of ten her father died, leaving the family without income. 人们向当地化石学家玛丽·安宁致敬。 利兹·博尼是她将化石收集从一种业余爱好,一种单纯的收藏癖好,转变为一项科学研究。玛丽·安宁47岁过世,此时她已赫赫有名,成为史上最伟大的化石学家,名扬天下。 玛丽出生于1799年,在她十岁时,她父亲过世了,全家失去了经济来源。