Mary discovered she could earn money by clambering along the fragile cliffs to find fossils and sell them to passers by. It was a poor existence that would eventually challenge one of the most fundamental beliefs of the time. Back then people believed the Old Testament story that the earth was created in six days and that it was only 6,000 years old. Mary and her fossils would help change all that. She happened to be in just the right place, living on what's known as the Jurassic Coast. This is a 155-kilometre stretch of rugged, treacherous cliffs from Dorset to Devon. Martyn Mount from the Natural History Museum is going to show me why these rocks became a life's work for Mary. This is really spectacular and I can't believe the amount of fossils I'm looking at here. 玛丽发现,她可以在悬崖上掘出化石,将化石卖给路人以此赚钱。当时化石少为人知,却在日后逐渐推翻了。人们对于世界的基本认知,当时人们普遍相信旧约当中所说,地球是在六天之内被创造的,其历史只有六千年。玛丽和她的化石将推翻这个认识,她恰好处在正确的地点,那里被称作侏罗纪海岸。危险崎岖的悬崖,从多塞特到德文郡绵延155公里。自然历史博物馆的马丁·蒙特将向我讲述这些岩石如何成就玛丽的终身美名,这地方太让人惊叹了,居然分布着这么多的化石。