It's all coming together very nicely. I love it, we've got a tree there that's 145 million years old, and then we've got a laser scanner which has got, you know, all the knobs and whistles, which is totally current and up to date. Gently sweep across the surface, I can see it appearing. Wow. But the technology quickly throws up a surprise. The vast fossil tree has a section missing, meaning it was even bigger than Paul had previously thought. When we thought we were laying out the whole trunk, actually the bottom part's the trunk and then it's a branch and there's something bigger. Yeah. That's still out there. Exactly. The whole tree would've been much bigger and we've lost quite a large fragment of it already. Even bigger. Paul has had time to do more analysis of the tree and has invited me and John to meet him in Wiltshire, close to the place John spent so long digging the tree from the ground. 数据整合得非常好 真是神奇 这棵树有一亿四千五百万年历史,而这个明察秋毫的激光扫描仪却非常现代 ,非常先进。激光缓缓扫过树干,我能看到图像正在生成,但先进仪器很快令我们吃了一惊。数据显示,这巨大的树化石缺失了一部分。这意味着,它比保罗预期的还要大。我们以为已经拼出了整个主干,其实底部才是主干,上面只是分枝。除它以外还有更大的一部分,就是这样,整棵树要高大得多还有很大部分没有找到,还要大得多啊。 保罗继续对这棵树进行分析,他邀请我和约翰在威尔特郡见面。