What do you think this tells us about the future? The message is that if we don't adapt to the changing conditions, we're probably as doomed as any of these earlier species were. Back at the museum Chris Stringer's work with human remains has culminated in another theory, one which could change the way we think of ourselves completely. For many years, the accepted theory was that ancient people in different parts of the world emerged to modern people in those same places, hence our racial differences. This would mean that people of different ethnicity could be from completely different evolutionary lines. Chris has another reading of the past, one that suggests we may be more closely related than was previously thought. 这对人类未来有什么启示呢? 这启示我们,如果不随环境而改变,我们将走上其他祖先的老路、 回到博物馆,克里斯·斯特林格对人类遗迹的研究最终得出了另一个理论,它能彻底改变我们人类对自己的看法。许多年来,人们公认世界各地的古代人类,在各自生活的地方进化成现代人,从而出现了人种差异,这意味着不同种族的人会沿着不同的方向进化。克里斯对于历史的解读有所不同,他认为各人种间的联系比此前所想更加紧密。