When I looked to the evidence for these sequences in each region, I couldn't find the evidence and I started with Europe, with the Neanderthals, where we had the best evidence and the best dated evidence. Looking at this evolution, was there a clear pattern of Neanderthals being if you like half way to being modern humans? Right. Did they make a nice intermediate? And the fact was they didn't on my data. Certainly as far as I could see, in Australia and that's region, there was not a good sequence here, from Java man leading to modern Australians. In China, there was not a good sequence leading from Peking man to modern oriental peoples, and there was only one region where there seemed to be a sequence leading to modern humans, and that was in Africa. The pattern seemed to be that there was an evolution in Africa to modern humans, then modern humans spread out from Africa in the last 100,000 years and developed into the modern humans we know today in each region. And that also means of course that the regional so-called racial features must have evolved after the shared features. So first of all, we get the shared features on humans, then superimposed more recently we've got the regional so-called racial differences. So everyone in the world today can trace their ancestry back to people who lived in Africa 150,000 years ago. 我在各地寻找这个现象的证据,可根本就找不到,我从欧洲的尼安德塔人开始,这种人最完整的标本在我们这研究这种演化看尼安德塔人身上,有没有明显的。正在进化成现代人的痕迹他们能承前启后吗?而我手上标本不能证明这一点,据我研究在澳洲那一片,爪哇人与现代澳洲人之间并没有很好的连续性,中国的北京人,与现代东方人间联系也不够紧密,而具有连续性的人类进化,只出现在非洲。全球人类似乎是这样进化的,非洲的原始人进化成现代人,而非洲现代人在过去的十万年间,分散到世界各地,再进化成我们熟知的各地现代人种。这也意味着地区间所谓的种族特性,是从共性之中慢慢分化出来的,所以原始人类是有共性的。随着时间推移,所谓的地区差异才出现,所以当今世界的每个人的祖先,都能追溯到十五万年前的非洲居民。