Right, so it's not that the beetle necessarily has been flying over and somebody's shot it. it might have been crawling on the ground as been shot. It looks more that way, yeah. Wow, that's interesting. That adds something to the mix then, doesn't it, because you said these beetles fly very high. So it's clearly been shot in the back. It's been shot in the back, yes. But you're all using techniques that you would use in say, solving a murder or something like that. Yes. And applying it to an insect. On a beetle. Excellent. So if we X-ray this then, what will it tell us? The number of entry wounds on the beetle doesn't match the number of exit wounds. That could be explained by the fact that the beetle was open and flying at the time, so pellets may have gone straight through, but it may also indicate that there's still some pellets inside the beetle. Heather may be able upon to prove once and for all that the beetle was shot by X-raying it to see if the pellets are still inside. 是的,所以它不一定是在飞行中被击中,也可能是在地上爬行时被击中。 后者的可能性更大 有意思,这让情况更复杂了吧? 因为你说这种甲虫都飞得很高,它明显是让人背后偷袭的。 背后偷袭 对 但你使用的技术,是用于解决谋杀等案件的。 -是的 -这次却来鉴定昆虫,一只甲虫。 好玩,如果用X射线照射,会发现什么? 甲虫上射入创口,和射出创口的数量不相符,这可能是因为甲虫当时正在展翅飞翔。于是子弹穿过了翅膀,但也可能是有些子弹留在了体内,通过X射线观察希瑟能够检查甲虫体内子弹,以证明甲虫是否确实遭到枪击。