Darwin's prediction in 1862 was based on the idea that the orchid and the moth must have evolved together, and neither could exist without the other. It was only a matter of time before this hypothetical moth would be found. Darwin's cause was taken up by Alfred Russel Wallace. It was so clear to him that it must exist, that he said it was an absolute certainty that if people went to Madagascar, sooner or later they were bound to find this moth. Wallace published a picture of what he thought the moth looked like, a sort of wanted poster for the mystery pollinator. Darwin's moth was eventually found, but not until 1903, 20 years after Darwin's death. 1862年达尔文做出这个预言,是认为兰花与蛾子必须一起进化,两者缺一不可。找到假设中的蛾子,只是时间问题,阿尔弗勒德·拉塞尔·华莱士认同达尔文的看法。他认为这种生物一定存在,他当时坚信,只要有人去马达加斯加,总有一天会发现这种蛾子。华莱士发表了一幅图,画出了他推测的蛾子外观,算是为这个谜留下的悬赏肖像。1903年,终于有人发现了这种飞蛾,当时达尔文过世已20年。