Right, some amazing insects here, but all these guys will sting, won't they? Well, they do, I mean, all of these guys do sting, and there's an official scale for how intense the pain is, and it goes from one to four. Right. Now the least one, it should be number one on the scale, the sweat bee. So how would you describe that pain? They how do feel it, you know, it's just a sort of slight tingle, you know, I mean, but next up is the fire ant which has gone to the US for the past 30, 40 years. Yeah. That has quite a nasty sting. Maybe a little bit worse than stinging nettles. You do notice it. That's quite fierce. It's quite fierce. Yeah. And then the paper wasp would come up somewhere about number three. That's like being hit by a squash ball when you've been squashed, when somebody hits it pretty damn hard. I've had that, and that is really sore. Then four would be the so-called pompilid wasp. And these attack tarantula spiders or smaller spiders, and these big ones are found mostly in South America. And the sting on it is like a sharp pin, isn't it? It's fantastic, isn't it? I mean, you could imagine that going into you somewhere. It'd be really pretty painful, let alone the venom it would inject. So these guys would be on the top scale of pain. About four, in terms of wasp stings. Yeah. 这里有许多神奇昆虫,所有的都会叮人,是不是? 是的,所有都会。根据疼痛程度,有一到四的等级。最轻的等级是一,比如这种汗蜂该怎么形容那种疼痛呢?几乎感觉不到,稍微有点刺痛感。然后是火蚁,近三四十年传到美国,被咬了会有些难受,要比荨麻刺更厉害一,你会明显感觉到。之后等级三是胡蜂,感觉像被壁球狠狠地砸了一下。 我被那么砸过,相当疼。 更厉害的是蛛蜂,它们会攻击狼蛛,或小一些的蜘蛛。这种大一点的在南美最常见,它们的刺简直像大头针。 多神奇啊 想象被这东西刺一下,就算没有毒液。单单一刺也够痛的了 所以这些是最疼的一类吗? 是蜂类蛰咬的四级,接着是子弹蚁。