And then bullet ants, you get them in Central America, that's supposedly four plus. I was quite a bad kid in school, and I used to get caned by the headmaster quite often. Yeah. And I would think that's quite similar to being caned. And the pain lasts in these about a day. Good God. A whole day of pain. That's in pain. Yeah. And I've only been stung once by these guys, and that's enough. That's it. But the worst one was this bull ant. I think it's worse than the bullet ant. I was stung by one of these in Australia once, on my heel, and I could feel it for at least three days. Three or four days? It was an incredible pain. And the pain is extreme? Initially the pain I would say is about the same as the bullet ant, then it gradually gets smaller and smaller. I mean, these bull ants, they're aggressive, they'll chase you. No. They will, and some of them jump. I don't know whether this actual species jumps, but some will jump, and they can jump maybe 18 inches. I mean, they won't chase you very far and of course you can outrun them after a couple of paces in front of the way. Yeah. But they'll follow, you know, they follow, you know, a dark shadow or dark movement, and I think, I guess some of them will follow it for maybe 30, 40 yards from the nest. Good Lord. That'll get far. I keep honey bees, and I've been stung on the, I've been, stung on the nipple which was very very painful, been stung in lots of other sort of areas, and I can understand with a honey bee if you get in the way messing around, you've been get stung, same with a wasp. It's painful, but it's not overly painful. But why would insects this size really need to have such aggressive venoms? 可以在中美洲找到,等级四加。我上学的时候不怎么乖,总被校长用手杖打,那感觉就和被子弹蚁咬一下差不多,疼痛可以持续一整天。 天哪,痛上一整天。我只被它们咬过一次,那就够我受的了。但还有更糟糕的,牛头蚁,我认为比子弹蚁更麻烦。我在澳大利亚时脚跟被它们咬了一口,整整痛了三天。 要痛三四天啊 难受得难以想象 而且痛得很厉害吗? 我会说一开始和子弹蚁差不多痛,然后疼痛渐渐开始缓解。这些牛头蚁,它们非常好斗,在后面追着你。 不会吧 有的还会跳起来,标本这种不一定会跳。但有的可以跳,最高45厘米。它们不会追得太远,你也可以甩开它们。但它们会跟着你,跟着你的影子,最远会跟到离蚁穴三十多米远。 天哪 我养过蜜蜂,乳头上被蛰过一下,非常非常痛。其他地方也被蛰过不少,我很了解蜜蜂的行为,要是你打搅了它们。它们就会来蛰你,胡蜂也是一样。蛰一下很痛,不过也不是不能忍受。 这般大小的昆虫们,为什么需要强悍的毒液呢?