My name is Jan Beccaloni. I work as the curator of arachnids and myriapods. Myriapods are things with many legs centipedes and millipedes. Arachnids are things with two body parts and eight legs. Not just spiders, but scorpions and ticks and mites and other groups like that. So here's a specimen of a scorpion that's been in alcohol for over 50 years. People get excited about lions and tigers being predators, and how they capture their food, but for me, seeing a small predator and thinking about how that is the top of its food chain, I find very fascinating. 我叫珍·贝卡洛尼,我是蛛形纲和多足纲的管理员。多足纲就是有很多脚的生物,分为唇足类和多足类。蛛形纲的生物躯干分为两段,有八只脚,不仅包括蜘蛛,还有蝎子,扁虱类,螨类都属于蛛形纲。这是一个蝎子标本,已经在酒精里保存50年了。人们通常喜欢狮子老虎之类的食肉动物,它们如何捕食猎物。但我更喜欢照顾这些小小的食肉者,研究它们如何爬上食物链顶端,这一切令人着迷。