Within the collection, we've got very small specimens such as mites. What we can see here is a follicle mite. They actually live in a hair follicle in people's faces around their nose and in their eyelashes. What I find most interesting about them is the fact that they've so highly evolved to their microhabitat, so you can see that their sheath-like body actually sits into the hair follicle, and their legs are over the top holding them in. They suck out the juices of the cells beneath. Now, if you're scared of heights, you can stand on the ground, but if you don't like creepy-crawlies, life is gonna be a bit harder. It's reckoned that for everyone of us on the planet, there are one-and-a-half billion of them. That accounts for ten quintillion individuals. Now I didn't make that number up, it looks like this. 在这些收藏中,我们发现了像螨虫这样的小标本。我们现在看到的是腺囊螨,主要生存活于人鼻子和睫毛,周围的毛囊内。我觉得这些虫子最有意思的是,这些虫子高度进化,可以很好的融入周边环境。你看它鞘状的身体,让它能很好地钻入毛囊内,足生长于头顶,用来打开通道。它们用尾部吮吸细胞液,绿色区域,让人怕怕的爬行动物。如果恐高,你可以呆在平地上。但如果你不喜欢爬行昆虫,你的日子就难熬了。经估算,我们星球上的爬行昆虫,数量是人类的十五亿倍,个体数量达到十的18次幂。 数据不是我胡编乱造的,这就是那数据。