You're not scared of spiders? Is anybody else in your family scared of bugs? My mum. Your mum is? What does she do, does she scream her head off as well, does she? She hoovers them up. And I think Stuart may be on to something, as it seems I can't help transferring my own personal phobia on to these kids. What about cockroaches? Cockroaches? I don't like cockroaches at all. Oh, I'm scared of cockroaches. So if our fear is learnt, then surely it can be unlearnt, and as you may have noticed I'm not exactly keen on cockroaches. I've reluctantly agreed to try and overcome my fears. But I've asked to be eased in gently. Although I was thinking of something more like a butterfly, not one of the largest and most feared spiders on the planet. A red-kneed tarantula called Sarah. 你不怕蜘蛛吗?你们家有人怕虫子吗? 我妈妈 你妈妈,她有什么反应?她会尖叫着四处乱窜吗,会吗? 她会用吸尘器吸它们,我觉得可能斯图尔特真说到点子上了。我就情不自禁会把自己的恐惧传给孩子。 那蟑螂呢? 我一点都不喜欢蟑螂,我很怕蟑螂。既然我们的恐惧是习得的,当然我们也可以学会不害怕。你可能也发现 我并不喜欢蟑螂,我勉强同意试着克服我的恐惧。但是我要求训练缓和一些,我以为会是蝴蝶之类的昆虫。但绝没想到会是地球上,最大最令人发怵的蜘蛛,一只名为莎拉的红膝狼蛛。