Hello, ladies and gentlemen. All had lunch? Yes. Yeah, so have I. Why should we eat them, what is good about them? I mean, is there sort of, I mean.. protein levels, fats? Absolutely. I mean, it's got, you know they've got the three, let's say, constituent parts anyway. We've got protein, we've got the fats and we've got the carbohydrates. Who would actually like to try some? Stuart's technique is to get people eating insects as quickly as possible, starting them off gently with mealworms... Mmm... Very nice. There you are. Very nice. Right, what else have we got? Before moving on to something a bit more spicy. Thai green crickets. So these is a crickets, and.. Oh, poor things have lost most of their legs, which are the best part. Be honest, feel the wing going down my... Now, the next little delicacy we have here are baked ants. Now, these aren't regular ants, these are quite enormous ants. Oh, my God, look at the size. Leafcutter ants. Arguably more of an acquired taste, this one. A bit more chilli. He's like a lizard, isn't he? 女士们,先生们,吃过午饭了吗? 吃过了 我也吃过了。为什么我们要吃虫,昆虫有什么益处?是因为蛋白质含量,脂肪吗? 没错,他们有三大,就说是,三大组分吧? 我们可以获取蛋白质,获取脂肪和碳水化合物。有没有人想尝尝看的? 斯图尔特的诀窍就是,吃昆虫时,要一口吞。 我们先将米虫作为开胃菜 很好吃 不错 很好吃,还准备了什么呢? 接下来是口味稍重的昆虫,泰国绿蟋蟀,这些就是蟑螂。可怜的小东西,腿都要掉光了。它们的腿才是精华,我能感觉到,它的翅膀滑下食道。接下来,我们要品尝烤蚂蚁。 这些可不是普通的蚂蚁,这是相当大型的蚂蚁。 我的天,这么大。南美切叶蚁,这味道得习惯习惯,更辣一点,他像条蜥蜴。对吧?