It's a fact that's providing scientists with a new insight into the health of the countryside. Rivers drain over 80% of the Earth's land surface. On their way to the sea, they support a huge variety of animals and plants, and give rise to some of the world's greatest cities. But the health of Britain's rivers is being threatened by a cocktail of pollutants, chemicals used in farming, industrial run-off and illegal dumping. With over 1,000 rivers, keeping an eye on their health is a massive task. The Natural History Museum's backing an inspired project to monitor and safeguard the health of Britain's rivers, and to do that they've got the help of an army of volunteers, people who know the rivers probably better than anyone Britain's anglers. 这个事实让科学家们,对乡村的生态有了新的认识。河流覆盖着80%的地球表面,流入大海之前,它们滋养了大量动植物,养活了全球各大城市。但英国河流的生态健康正遭受着污染物的威胁,污染包括农用化学药物,工业废水和非法排放。英国共有上千条河流,河流监控的工作量极大,自然历史博物馆因而发动一项行动,来监视并保护英国河流的生态。实施过程中,博物馆得到了大批志愿者的帮助,他们对河流熟捻于心,他们就是英国的垂钓爱好者。