So, it's a clean bill of health for the Monnow. And as appreciation of insects spreads, the health of the river can easily be monitored long into the future. The fact is that insects are useful in a huge range of ways. They're a key part of the global food chain. They're pollinators. And they're the world's cleaner-uppers. And it's this last role that's now being put to good use behind the scenes at the museum. Now, look at the size of this beast. Wow, it's incredible. Now, you can imagine how you'd go about cleaning up a skeleton in this size, but how on earth would you go about cleaning up such a tiny skeleton like this? It's a job that falls to a team known as the smallest workers in the museum. And they don't find anything grisly about the job at all. 检测结果表明曼诺河的水质良好,越来越多的人认识到昆虫的作用,未来的河流水质也从而得到监测。事实上,昆虫的作用五花八门,它们是地球食物链的重要组成部分。它们是传粉使者,是世界清洁工,现在它们的最后一种角色,在博物馆的幕后正发挥着巨大的作用。 看着这家伙的块头,太不可思议了。现在,你可以想象到清理这么大的头骨有多难,但更难的是清理这么小的骨架。 肩负这项任务的工人被誉为博物馆最小的员工,它们认为这任务一点都不棘手。