Hi, Patrick. Hello, Jimmy. Good to see you. Good to see you, too. Right, where are these insects? Patrick Campbell is the man in charge. Oh, my God, look. So we've got a big perch in here which they've cleaned. You can see them all scurrying around, the adults are the darker ones with the harder outer shell, and the larvae tend to be brown. Yep. With hairs all over them. They look like little furry bears, don't they? Dermestes maculatus are flesh-eating beetles which are proving invaluable in preparing skeletons for the collection. And these are important creatures, not only for you to actually strip these skeletons right down till they're pearly white, but also in the wild they help break down all the dead bodies of animals that have been killed and run over and put the nutrients back in the soil. You can see how clean they've made this perch, it only took about three or four days to get it down to that sort of level. I've got my head a bit too close, you need a peg on your nose. There is a bit of a smell, yes. A bit of a smell. You're joking. You get used to it. These cabinets aren't just boxes to keep the beetles in. Basically you are replicating in here the perfect environment for those beetles. It's a five-star hotel. They've got the food. They can get on with breeding, warmth. Moisture. There's no need to take them for walks or anything. That's great, isn't it? Fantastic. So we've got our dried specimen here. So what will we do with them next? I was thinking of putting that one in there. He's going to go in this, Cabinet A? Cabinet A. 你好,帕特里克 你好,吉米 很高兴见到你 我也很高兴见到你,那些昆虫在哪呢? 帕特里克·坎贝尔是小组负责人 天啊,快看。里面这只大鲈鱼完全被清理干净了,你看它们一刻也不闲着。深色的是成虫,长着坚硬的外壳,幼虫通常是棕色的。 不错 浑身长满了毛,它们看上去像小毛毛熊,是吗? 白腹皮蠹是种肉食性甲虫,在清理馆中收藏。处理待展骨架时,它们不可或缺。这些小东西非常重要,不仅能噬去腐肉,让你得到雪白的动物骨架,也能帮助分解自然环境中。所有死去动物的尸体,将营养元素又归于尘土。看它们将这栖息之处吃得多干净,只用了三到四天的时间,就能做到这样的程度了。 我太靠近了,你得捂住鼻子才行,味道确实不太好。 只是不太好吗?你说笑话。 你得习惯。这些橱柜不只是装虫子的箱子,实际上得用机器控温,为它们复制出完美的生存环境。这里可是五星级饭店,它们食物充足,住所温暖。 湿度也合适,也不用带它们出去遛弯。 那很好啊 太棒了 我们得到了干燥的标本,那小虫子们怎么处理呢? 我想把它放在这里 把它放进 A橱柜吗? 是A橱柜