It's a really good resource for people like me to come along and actually be able to work on the bodies while they're decomposing. It's the only chance that I get to see the decomposition process right from fresh right through. So it's a really, really important resource, and just the only one in the world. I should warn you that what Amoret is about to show me is both graphic and potentially disturbing. Even as a medical doctor, I'm feeling a little anxious. Just looking over there behind me, I can really smell it now, there's a mottled dead body. And behind me I've just seen a car, that a sort of disused car. I didn't really pay attention to it - but I'm sure they're rotting a body in the boot of the car 'cause that's where I guess you sometimes find murder victims. I thought it'd be a really big area and we'd get a gentle introduction sort of walking through the woods that it would be laid out, but it's you know, there's a dead body there, a dead body there, and it's just amazing really. 这里的研究资源对我们很有益,因为能确实研究腐解中尸体。这是我全称观察尸体腐解,唯一的机会,所以这里的资源非常重要。全世界也仅此一处,我得提醒你们,艾米瑞特要向我展示的东西,外观不雅,极易造成不适。作为医生,我也觉得有些紧张。 看我后面,我能闻到味道了。那有一具长满尸斑的死尸,我后面有一辆车,像是报废了。我之前都没注意到它,但我确定后箱里放着正腐烂的尸体。因为遇害者经常被藏在后箱里,树林里大概挺空旷,他们大概会带我慢慢穿过树林,再去观察那具尸体。但光是知道这有两具尸体,我已经感觉怪怪的。