Now it's over to Claire, expert in a technique they call tree misting. Our colleague Claire has brought a device called a mister, which is going to blow a chemical up into the tree. A fine mist of pesticide will swiftly dispatch the insects. The protective suit is a precaution, even though the substance is biodegradable and harmless to birds and mammals. It's the latest technology in entomology. Max has been waiting for this moment for years. I've been coming to this common since 1995. We've always been aware that this is something it's never been done, and my old friend Ian Menzies, whose collection we now have. He's been coming here since the 50s. And we used to talk about doing this, and unfortunately he didn't live long enough to see it, but I'm glad that we're going to get it done and fill in the final piece in the jigsaw really. The fine spray of pesticide reaches 15 metres up into the branches. 下面轮到克莱尔出场,她是"喷雾"技术的专家。克莱尔带来了一个设备,雾化器。它能把化学物质吹到树上去,合适的杀虫剂喷雾能迅速驱出昆虫。防护服只是个预防措施,这种杀虫剂可降解,而且对鸟类和哺乳动物无害,这是昆虫学的最新技术。这一刻,麦克斯已经期待多年。 我1995年来到这里,我们一直都很清楚。这个实验从没有人做过,我有位老朋友伊恩·孟西斯。他后来把收藏捐给了博物馆,他五十年代就来到了这里。我们曾计划这个实验,很遗憾,他已经去世,没能看到这一幕。 但我还是很高兴,今天终于要做了,完成这最后一块拼图。 杀虫剂喷雾,能够达到15米高,散入树枝。