It's only about two-and-a-half millimetres long, but it's a species called Cis Coluber, and there's only half-a-dozen records from the UK. It's not a common species. And as the very first discovered at Bookham Common, it tells its own story. There's evidence that they must be looking after the habitat well, because otherwise these rare beetles wouldn't be able to live there. The Cis Coluber reveals that this oak canopy is alive and well, and that even after 120 years of intensive study, there are still new discoveries to be made. In the Natural History Museum collections, there are also discoveries waiting to be made. Max has a murder mystery. One beetle has been found in the collection that appears to have been shot. He's bringing it to forensic scientist Heather Bonney, to see if she can solve the mystery. 它身长只有2.5毫米左右,但这种虫名叫Cis Coluber。在全英国只有六个标本,是个很罕见的种类,第一次在布氏生物区被发现,这种稀有的甲虫也讲述了自己的故事。可以看出,那片栖息地环境很好,否则这么稀有的甲虫,是无法在那里生存的。小甲虫的存在,说明这棵橡树的树冠充满生机。尽管人们已经研究了120年,在这里仍旧有新的发现。 在自然历史博物馆的馆藏之中,也有等待人们发现的秘密。麦克斯手头有件谋杀迷案,馆藏中的一只甲虫,像是被枪击而死。他把这只甲虫带给法医学家希瑟·邦尼,希望她能解决这个迷案。