Now, there's a bit of a story behind this beetle. Why have we brought it down to the X-ray room? Well, a colleague of mine there called them, noticed about a year ago that this beetle has got circular holes in it. Yeah. And it's quite well known that in the Victorian times occasionally people who were out shooting birds for specimens would see a flying beetle and take a shot at it. And this is a Goliath Beetle, one of the largest beetles in the world, and they fly very high in the canopy. They're extremely difficult to collect. Now, you're a forensic scientist, aren't you? Yes. And you're used to dealing with human remains, aren't you? Yes. And so this is a bit different. Have a look at that then, I mean, it does look like it's peppered and the holes are perfectly round, aren't they? It does. These ones is on the back and look very much like entry wounds. They're certainly not exit wounds where something is come out. This one at the top, we seem to have some bending in of the outside of the beetle, which means that it's been pushed inwards. And then on the other side, we have this larger hole, which has the characteristic appearance of an exit wound. Right. And so it looks like the beetle's been shot from the top. 这只甲虫可大有文章,我们为什么要把它带到X光室来呢? 我的一个同事一年前发现,这只甲虫身上有几个圆形的孔。众所周知,在维多利亚时代,人们打鸟做标本时,有时看到飞虫,也会开枪射击。这是只葛利亚甲虫,个头最大的一种。平时飞得很高,很难收集到。 你是法医学家,对吗? -没错 -你经常处理人类尸体 -没错,今天的案子有点不一样,看看这个家伙,确实像挨了一枪而且弹孔非常圆。 没错,后背上的孔像是射入创口,肯定不是子弹飞出的射出创口。最上面的这个孔,能看到甲虫的外壳向内弯曲。表明子弹是从这里射入的,而这一面有个更大的洞,外观符合射出创口特征。 是的 所以子弹应该是从甲虫背上射入的。