The Natural History Museum has 17 million specimens, most of them hidden away behind the scenes. I've got a test to get things going. I want to see if they can find a single butterfly, the one I worked on whilst here for the summer ten years ago. Right, so we're looking for Opsiphanes. Blanca Huertas, curator of butterflies, is taking up the challenge. You got butterfly earrings on, and you got a butterfly thing on your hair. You're mad on them, aren't you? Yes, I am. I love butterflies. We can start from here. No, that's not it. Perhaps. Bit of a treasure hunt this, isn't it? It is. What have we got here? You can have a look at here. Right, yeah, that's close, isn't it? This should be the species. This is it. This is it. Look at this, they are beautiful. Yeah, sounds familiar? Yeah. My own little piece of the Natural History Museum. These great collections have given rise to some of the big ideas of the last two centuries, but today collecting still goes on, and it's still inspiring big ideas. 自然史博物馆藏有标本一千七百万,大多数都不会对外公开展出。我们就从一个测试开始吧。我要看看他们是否能找到,十年前我在此当义工时处理的一只蝴蝶,那只蝴蝶是Opsiphanes属的。蝴蝶馆主管布兰卡·赫尔塔斯接受了挑战。 你戴着蝴蝶耳环。 还有蝴蝶发饰,这么喜欢蝴蝶啊 是的 我超爱蝴蝶 我们可以从这里开始找 不是这只 大概在这里 有点像寻宝,不是吗? 是啊 这里都有些什么蝴蝶? 可以在这里找找。 对,很接近了,是吧。 应该就是这种了。 就是它了。 看,多漂亮啊 听来很熟悉吧 没错。 自然史博物馆中出自我手的小藏品,这些伟大的藏品推动了前两个世纪某些伟大思想的萌芽,如今藏品仍在不断增加,依旧启迪着新思想的诞生。