His unveiling in 1905 was a sensation, introducing Edwardian Britain to dinosaurs for the very first time. It was actually the first complete sauropod dinosaur to be mounted anywhere in the world, so this really was a world first, and there are headlines saying "Welcome colossal stranger". And in his 100 years at the museum, the irrepressible dinosaur has refused to stand still. As scientific knowledge has changed, so has Dippy. When Diplodocus first arrived at the museum his head was close to the floor and his tail dragged along the ground, reflecting the fact that at the time he was thought to be a swamp-dwelling, almost aquatic animal. Nowadays we know that Diplodocus walked on solid ground and actually fed from the tops of trees, and as a result of that we've changed the mount so that his head sticks proudly above the floor, showing it would have been something like a gigantic reptilian giraffe and the tail is sticking out from behind the back of the body, and we may make different changes in the future depending how scientific progress affects our views. 爱德华时代,英国首次引入恐龙标本。1905年的揭幕仪式简直轰动一时。 这是世界上展出的第一具完整的蜥脚类恐龙骨架堪称世界首创。当时的头条新闻就是"欢迎巨型陌生人" 馆内展出的一百年间桀骜不驯的恐龙。其姿态并非一成不变。随着科学认知日新月异。呆呆龙也与时俱进。 梁龙骨骼初入馆时,还是一副颔首低眉,拖尾及地的模样。说明那时候,人们误以为他栖息于沼泽 类似于水生动物。如今我们了解到梁龙生长于坚实的陆地上,以树顶的叶子为食。由此我们减轻了标本材质负荷,以便他在馆中傲然挺立,像是一只巨型爬行类长颈鹿,而尾巴则向后上方延展出去。随着科学进步对我们观念的影响。未来。我们还会对其做出新的调整。