Professor Richard Fortey is a leading palaeontologist and a self-styled explorer of the old museum. He started working here in 1970 and though now technically retired. He's still frequently to be found at his desk. Hi, there. Hello. I'm Jim, nice to meet you. Hi, Jim. So how many acres does the museum cover? Oh, goodness, I think it's more than three acres. Three acres. That's big, isn't it? And the whole place is a bit like Hogwarts. When I first joined here there was one office, you could only reach by climbing a ladder over the roof. And I mean your passion for discovering, the secret rooms and hallways in the museum, when did that start? More or less from day one because you know if you do experiments with rats, if you put a rat in a new site, what they always do is make themselves at home, then they do little forays outwards and return to the home base, so I was rather like that. 理查德·福泰教授是一位资深古生物学家,自诩为老博物馆的探索者。他1970年开始在本馆工作,虽说如今,他已退休,但其身影仍常常出现在办公桌旁。 -你好 -你好 我是吉姆,幸会。 你好,吉姆。 整个博物馆占地面积多大? 天呐,我想大概三英亩多吧。 三英亩,好大啊。 整体看上去像是霍格沃茨魔法学校,我刚来那阵,这里只有一间办公室。去那里的必经之路就是横跨屋顶的梯子。 你是从何时开始热衷于探索博物馆密室和通道的呢? 大概打第一天就开始了,要知道,如果你用老鼠做实验,把老鼠放到陌生环境。它们从不认生,随意惯了,然后就四下乱窜,要逃回窝里,我当时有点像那个状态。