Archaeopteryx is proof of evolution, and reveals that birds originated from dinosaurs. Although nine other fossils about archaeopteryx have since been discovered, it is this one that remains the most important. This particular specimen is the original specimen that was found. It's the one that bears the name "Archaeopteryx lithographica", so it's what we call the type specimen. So it is the ultimate reference specimen. Oh, my goodness. So if anything happened to it, if it got damaged, what would the consequences be? If anything was damaged, then we would lose scientific information forever. Which makes our task of making a mould of archaeopteryx all the more daunting. 始祖鸟化石为进化论提供了证据,同时证明鸟类是由恐龙进化而来。虽然这具始祖鸟化石出土后,又相继出土了九具,但这具的首要地位不可动摇。这个化石标本是人们所发现的首例标本,人们将其命名为"印石板始祖鸟"。这就是所谓的"模式标本",是其他标本分类参考的标准。 老天,如果一不小心损坏了它,会有什么后果? 稍有损坏,某些科学信息就永远失传。 这让我们制取始祖鸟化石模型时如履薄冰。