The mainland birds collected by Darwin show very little variation. What surprised him about the Galapagos mockingbirds was not only their difference to those from the mainland, but how they varied from island to island. If you see there, its kind of blank pale chest, there's nothing going on there, and this one here has got this dark, dark chest band. The birds are a bit difference in size, and there's some differences in beak shapes. It was different enough for him to think, "That's extraordinary, that's greater than any of the differences." "I've seen across the continent of South America", and he wrote in his notes that, you know, "these differences might mean that species change." So we know it was the mockingbirds that helped him and not the finches. The variation in mockingbirds isolated from each other led Darwin to question the stability of species, an idea that would eventually lead him to his theory of evolution by natural selection. 达尔文收藏的大陆嘲鸫,彼此间的差异非常小。加拉帕戈斯群岛嘲鸫令他吃惊的地方,不仅在于它们与大陆嘲鸫之间的差异,而是生于不同岛屿的嘲鸫间的差异 你看那里,胸部一片苍白,没什么纹路,而这只胸部却有着深色条纹。它们的体型大小也有点区别鸟喙形状也有所不同,这种程度的差异足以引他深思。 "真是不同寻常,我横跨南美大陆,"所见的嘲鸫差异也没有如此之大"。他在手记里写下了这句话,"这些差异可能意味着物种变异"。由此真相大白 带给他灵感的是嘲鸫,而不是雀鸟。这些相互隔绝的嘲鸫之间产生的变异,让达尔文开始怀疑物种的稳定性,受此启发,最终创立了自然选择的进化论学说。