Yes, I know it looks like we've all lost our marbles, but this is actually the museum's latest venture. That noble institution The Natural History Museum has taken up worm charming. Go and grab it. Yes, you heard right, we're literally trying to charm the worms out of the ground. Apparently there is method in this madness and I want to find out what's behind it. 200 years after Charles Darwin first started worm charming, I'm meeting Emma Sherlock, the museum's own earthworm expert. So we just start pouring the mustard quite liberally, and then we just. And what does the mustard do? Right, basically, this goes down into the worm's burrows, and just like irritates them a little bit, it's not too bad for them, you know, it won't do them any long-lasting harm, but it just slightly annoys them so they come to the surface to get away, and then we can pick them up. 对,我知道我们看起来都又疯又傻,但这的确是博物馆的最新项目。高贵的自然历史博物馆开始戏蚯蚓了,攥住它。 对,你们没听错,我们的确想要把蚯蚓吸引上来。这些疯癫举动中的确有的有效,我想要了解其背后的原理。 在达尔文首开戏蚯蚓先河的200年后,我要去见艾玛夏洛克博物馆的蚯蚓专家。 我们开始洒上芥末水到处多洒点儿。 然后我们就... 芥末水有什么用吗? 基本上是让这水流进它们的洞穴,让它们有点生气。不过对它们没什么害处,不会留下任何持久性损害,就是要让它们有点儿烦好爬出来,我们就能捉住它们了。