They're a bit evasive, so they will fly down as soon as they feel the surface of the water break. Have you got any, I don't seem to be finding any. Not finding them? You might be dipping just a bit too deep. I'm absolutely rubbish at this, extraordinary, I wasn't expecting to be bad at it. What's that? That's an anopheles, there you go, the first one. Look at that, brilliant, and is that another one? Yeah, well done, you, where did you find them? I've probably thrown loads away, it was when you said they looked like little pieces of grass and then. I thought it was a piece of grass, that's brilliant. That's the malarial mosquito. This is the evidence that the anopheles are here. We're going to have to scale this gate. We're climbing over this? So Yvonne now needs to find the adult females. The very mosquitoes that carry malaria. So she's taking me to some World War II bunkers which apparently are an ideal hunting site. 它们喜欢躲避,要是它们感到水面动了,就会向下逃散。 你找到了吗,我好像什么都没找到 没找到吗? 你可能舀得太深 我实在是够烂的,真是的,我可没想到会这么差。 那是什么? - 那就是按蚊,第一个 - 看哪,真不错 是又一只吧? 对呀,干得不错,在哪里捞到的? 我可能扔掉了很多,后来听你说它们像小片草叶我才 。 我真就把它当成一片草叶了,真有意思,这就是传播疟疾的蚊子。 这就是这里有按蚊的证据 - 我们得爬过这个门 - 要爬过去吗? 现在伊旺要找到成年雌蚊,它们才是携带疟原虫的蚊子。 她要带我去一个二战时期的公事里,只捉蚊子的理想位置。