Well, they're very much finer, the anopheles mosquitoes, they look more ladylike in a way, and when they're resting on a wall, they're at 45-degree angle, so all the other mosquitoes, they're all flat against the wall, so it's very easy if you're in your hotel room and you see a mosquito on the wall. If it's resting at this angle, then you should deal with it before you fall asleep. If it's resting at the other, you might get a bite, but you won't end up with malaria. I'm not sentimental about mosquitoes. Normally, I'm happy to kill them, but Yvonne wants me to catch them alive. So this is our very high-tech equipment, and this is called a puter. I was expecting some fancy machine like a vacuum with a. Well, that's why I brought you, this is the end you suck with. And a piece of my mum's net curtain, to stop you actually sucking up and inhaling the mosquito. Yeah, and you shouldn't get too many cobwebs and things either. So what you need to do is find your beast, here's one, start sucking. I hope Mrs Linton's net curtains are up to the job. Put you finger over it. Mmm. Did you get it? Mm-huh. 按蚊看起来更漂亮些,它们看起来更像女士。要是它们落在墙上,会跟墙成45度角,其它所有的蚊子都会跟墙平行。这样区分很容易,要是你住在宾馆看到墙上有蚊子。要是成这样的角度,你就最好在睡觉前处理掉它。要不是的话,你可能会被咬,不过不会得疟疾。 我对蚊子可不好多愁善感,通常情况我会拍死它们。不过伊旺希望我活捉它们。 这是个很高科技的设备叫做皮尤特。 我还以为会是什么奇特的机器呢?像是一个带着真空吸附装置的... 这就是我为什么要带你来。这一端是用来吸的。这是我妈妈的纱窗布的一块,防止你把蚊子吸进嘴里,也不会吸进太多蜘蛛网。所以现在就是要找到蚊子。 这儿有一个,开始吸。我希望林顿太太的纱窗布能有用。 - 把手指放在上面 - 嗯 - 抓到了吗? - 嗯