I had heard that Yvonne's work doesn't stop at the borders of the UK, so I went to see her in her state of the art laboratory to find out how world changing her studies could prove to be. How much of a problem is malaria in this day and age around the world? It's still a massive problem, the third biggest killer in the world after heart disease and cancer. And we're talking about 1.3 million deaths every year. Yvonne now believes that her project can reduce the impact of malaria worldwide. So the work you're doing here right now, and we're crushing up these little mosquitoes, which I've got to say is quite satisfying, isn't it? Well, absolutely. I've bitten by them quite a lot. But the work you're doing here could change the lives of millions of people around the world. That's really what we're aiming at, actually the ultimate product of this huge global initiative is actually a hand-held DNA, what we call a DNA bar-coder. People that were actually doing the spraying in the fields would be able to look there and see if there were any mosquito larvae, just be able to squash that mosquito onto a plate and they would get an ID. 我听说伊旺的工作不仅是针对英国,所以我去实验室去见她,看看她的研究,到底能如何改变世界。 当前世界上的疟疾问题有多严重? 还是个很大的问题,是在心脏病和癌症,之后的第三大杀手 每年大概会有一百三十万人因此死亡 伊旺相信她研究能在全世界范围内减小疟疾的影响 我们现在要做的是把蚊子弄碎,我得说,这感觉不错。 - 那当然 - 我可没少挨咬 你的工作可能会改变全世界几百万人的生活 这确实是我们的目的,这个项目的最终目的是能在全球,应用一种手持DNA仪器,我们管它叫DNA条码仪。在野外进行喷洒作业的人,可以看看那里有没有蚊子的幼虫,只要把蚊子压碎放到托片上就能知道那是什么蚊子。