So we'd be able to know with a single mosquito, which species it is and is it transmitting in this particular area at this particular time. People on the ground could then assess whether they need to spray or not because if it's present or it isn't, then this little gizmo would help do that? Absolutely. Yeah. I've been looking forward to coming back to the museum, but I'll be honest, I was a little worried about what I might find. I wasn't sure if it'd feel obscure, dusty, as if looking back to a golden era of discovery. But in fact, I've found an institution aware of its own history, but squarely facing the problems of a very modern world. It's funny, this place has changed even since I was a volunteer here ten years ago. It's brighter and it's more outward looking. 我们就能从一只蚊子身上了解到它是哪种蚊子,在此时此地有没有传播疟疾,地面作业的人就能知道用不用喷洒药物,因为这个小东西就能告诉他们需不需要。 没错,就是这样。 我一直期待这回到博物馆,不过说实话,对我会发现什么我有点儿担心。我不知道这会不会想是回首一个黄金时代,让人感觉尘封而且模糊。但事实上我看到了一个关注历史,有能直面当前世界的问题的机构。 有趣的是仅仅从我是志愿者到现在,这里就有很多变化,这里比原来明亮,对外的开放度也更大了。