We've got some tortoises poo there. That's decomposing, and out of it we've got lots of seeds of young ebonies. Well, that's encouraging germination of the native plants. What's interesting is that before we were seeing very little germination, and yet the tortoises spread the seeds around the island and they enhanced the germination. Karl's experiment has paid off spectacularly. It's working absolutely perfectly, and, you know, we always thought it would work, but we never thought it would work quite so well. You must be relieved. We're not only relieved, but we've actually now found the answer to managing a lot of the vegetation. Without tortoises there's a whole suite of plants that would just become extinct. What do you think of that, isn't that wonderful? It's gorgeous. This is what it would have looked like when there were dodo's here. The dodo may have gone, but the ebony forests that were once its home are fighting back. This is absolutely spectacular. And it's the museum's remarkable discoveries that provided part of the solution to saving this ancient paradise. 我们找到了一些陆龟的大便,它们正在分解。我们在其中找到了很多乌木苗的种子。 这促进了各种原生植物的萌芽生长。 有趣的是,之前罕见乌木种子发芽,而陆龟在整个岛上散播种子的同时,也提高了种子发芽率。 卡尔的实验收获颇丰。 效果绝对堪称完美,我们一直认为会有效果,但未曾料到,效果会这么好。 如释重负了吧。 不仅是如释重负,事实上,我们还找到了维护当地植物的办法,没有陆龟,将会有一系列的植物因此灭绝。觉得怎么样,景色不错吧? 美不胜收。 渡渡鸟灭绝之前,毛里求斯就是这般景观。 渡渡鸟也许是灭亡了。但它们赖以生存的乌木林却获得了新生,真是太壮观了。正是自然史博物馆的伟大发现,为拯救这片失落的远古天堂提供了指引。