Lionel Walter Rothschild came from an immensely wealthy banking family. He was passionate and eccentric. He began collecting insects and birds when he was seven. And at ten, he set up his first museum in the garden shed. At the age of 21, he was sent to work in the bank, which he hated so, as compensation, his father built him this place. And Walter dedicated the rest of his life and his fortune to filling it. The collection in Tring has been preserved intact pretty much as Walter left it in 1937. It's a monument to a Victorian eccentric a millionaire and a natural historian, unlike any before or since. Walter Rothschild loved Africa, each trip provided more and more specimens for his collection. Today, Africa still holds a lure for the museum scientists but, these days, the purpose of the trips are very different. 莱昂内尔·沃尔特·罗斯切尔德出身于一个富裕的银行世家。他热情,但行为古怪。他7岁起就开始收集昆虫和鸟类。10岁,他就在花园小棚里建起了自己第一个博物馆。21岁时,父母派他到银行工作。但他非常厌烦这个工作,作为补偿,他父亲为他建造了这个地方。沃尔特把毕生精力和财富都投入其中。 特陵的所有藏品都保存完好,一切都保持沃尔特1937年逝世前的模样。这位怪人极富维多利亚时期风格,他是一位百万富翁同是自然历史学家,真是前无古人后无来者。 沃尔特·罗斯切尔德热爱非洲,每次旅程他都能带回更多的标本收藏品。如今,非洲依然吸引博物馆的科学家,但这次旅程目的却与以往不同。