The man who can tell us what it is, is palaeontology curator Andy Currant. This animal is called Megatherium. Marvellous name, but all it means is big animal. But it's better known as the giant ground sloth. Wow. Wow. Wow. It's just amazing, just great. The giant ground sloth was an animal that once roamed the grasslands of South America 10,000 years ago. But ever since it's discovered in Brazil in 1789, misunderstandings about the giant sloth have continued. A skeleton was brought back to Madrid and put on display at a museum there. It is mounted remarkably like a coffee table. It doesn't look like a real animal and that to me, is the endearing quality of this particular specimen, the way it's constructed. Obviously it's not moving, but it looks as though it can move, and I think that's exciting. 古生物学管理员安迪·柯伦特能告诉我们真相,这种动物叫做大地懒。 听起来不同凡响,其实意思就是"巨兽"。它另一个名字"巨型地懒"就有名得多, 太厉害了,真了不起。 巨型地懒生活在1万年前,栖息于南美洲草原。1789年在巴西发现它以来,人们对巨型地懒的认识仍存误区,人们将一个骨架运回马德里,并在那里的博物馆展出,安装好的骨架犹如一张咖啡桌,不够真实,而这个标本的构造就更讨喜。这一具构造独特,标本是静止的,看上去却栩栩如生,实在赏心悦目。