Using this collection, Derek Ratcliffe was able to show that DDT was thinning eggshells to such an extent that they simply could not survive. That was a pivotal moment in sort of world conservation because once Derek Ratcliffe had established that DDT was causing this effect on the peregrine population, other groups, other research groups, could go away in the United States and in other areas and try and determine whether the same thing was happening there. And of course, they found that it was. So our entire understanding of the effects of release of certain chemicals into the environment came about because Derek Ratcliffe could come into the museum and actually study what was happening in the population before the chemicals were released. DDT was outlawed in the 1970s, and the potential extinction of the peregrines averted thanks to Derek Ratcliffe and these drawers of eggs. 利用这个藏品,德里克·雷克里夫得出结论,滴滴涕使蛋壳变薄,使得幼雏难以存活,这是世界自然资源保护历史性的时刻。因为一旦德里克·雷克里夫确定,是滴滴涕影响了游隼的存活。那么其他团队,其他科研小组,就可以到美国还有其他地区验证情况是否属实。当然,结果是肯定的,于是人们开始认识到,排放某些化学物质会污染环境,就因为德里克·雷克里夫进入博物馆,切实研究,在化学物质排放前,鸟类的生存状况,滴滴涕在70年代被禁用。游隼的繁衍得以继续,都得感谢德里克·雷克里夫,和馆内的蛋藏品。