Chris Van Tulleken joined a museum expedition to Uganda. A staggering three quarters of Uganda's 33 million inhabitants survive on less than 2-US-dollar a day. Life for many is a constant battle for food, education and health care. As a doctor of tropical medicine, I'm here to see how museum zoologists are helping tackle one disease that's devastating many of Africa's children. We're on our way to a fishing village on the edge of Lake Victoria. Now, this is a community that depends on the lake for everything. They wash in it, they drink it, they get all their food from it, but the lake also harbours a parasite which is drastically reducing the quality of life for children. It's retarding their growth, it's impairing their mental development, and eventually it's going to kill an awful lot of them. 克里斯·凡·特勒肯与馆员同行,到乌干达进行了一次探险。乌干达3300万居民中,居然有三分之二的人一天的生活费不足2美元。对许多人来说,生活就是对食物,教育和医疗永不停歇的战斗。作为热带医学的医生,我到这里是来了解,博物馆的动物学家是如何帮助治愈。一种摧残许多非洲儿童生命健康的疾病。我们正前往一个渔村,它位于维多利亚湖湖边,这里的生活所需都要依靠这个湖。他们在湖中洗涮,饮用湖水。所有食物都来源于湖中,但湖水也孕育了一种寄生虫,它严重影响着孩子们的生活质量,阻碍他们的成长,损害他们的智力发育,最后会无情地夺走孩子的生命。