It could be described as the ultimate test of expertise. I want to find out for myself what scientists go through in the hands of the law. Could we call Liz Bonnin, please? Legal cases revolve around establishing facts that can swing the outcome of a case and lawyers frequently need expert witnesses to provide these facts. I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And when you want a leading expert in the natural sciences, the trail often leads to the Natural History Museum. I'm going to experience first-hand the kind of pressure scientists come under when they're called on to appear in court. I would suggest that you are biased in this that you looked for what you wanted to see. But before I discover what it's like to be a scientist in the dock, I'm meeting a man who knows all too well what that experience is like. 这可以被称为对专业知识的终极挑战。我想亲自体验一下,受到法律审判的经历,请利兹·博尼出庭,处理法律案件的重点。在于整合证据影响判决结果,而律师们经常需要请专家呈现证据。我以万能的上帝之名起誓,我所提供证词句句属实,绝无虚言。如果想找尖端自然科学专家作证,法庭常向自然历史博物馆求助,我要亲身体验下科学家被召唤出庭时所感受到的压力。我认为你提供的证词具有个人偏见,你只查找你希望看到的证据,但在体验以科学家身份出庭时的感受前,我要和这方面的专家会面交谈。